Distribution Network
- #Idea
- #inspire
What is this?🤔
This WaveHack is an idea version of WaveHack that will be a pre-event for the AKINDO organization's grant program "WaveHack Global" to be held from April 13th (Sat). Anyone can participate, both developers and non-developers. *WaveHack and WaveHack Global are not hackathons. This is a Web3 basic income program that allows you to continuously earn grants based on your deliverables.
A total of 3 waves will be held, and a $1000 grant will be distributed to everyone who submits a theme in each wave with X.*The 2nd wave will be held if the number of submissions in the 1st wave exceeds 30.**Once the voting period ends, it will be automatically distributed on-chain.
Theme of each wave🌊
1st wave theme🌊
1. Idea you want to build
2. Chains, protocols, technologies, etc. that you are interested in
2nd wave theme🌊🌊
1. Your skill set
2. What you have built in the past
3rd wave theme🌊🌊🌊
1. Deliverables of ideas
*Github Repo, specifications, logos, mocks, designs, etc. that show the progress of ideas submitted in the 1st Wave
IdeaWave Rules⚖️
-Please post with #WaveHack from the X Post button on the top right
-There is no problem with posting to X for each theme at any time.
-The submitted post URL must include the answer to each theme of each wave. The theme statement itself is not required
-Please be sure to add #WaveHack and the URL of this page in the post.
How to Submit📲
-Please submit the post URL of each theme for each wave to this page.
-To submit, you need to create a product page.
-After creating the "Project" page, please register the "Product" information on that page.
-Please use the project and product name as the product name of the idea you want to create. It's okay if it's temporary
-Links such as images and Github are required, but dummy links are fine.
-In addition to the post URL of X, please include the text in the post (answers for each theme) on the product page.
What is Goal🏁
-Think of product ideas to develop through WaveHack Global
*WaveHack Global also accepts submission of existing products.
-Find team members to take on the challenge together with WaveHack Global
-Call projects you would like to donate grants on WaveHack Global
*We will try to get grants from projects with the most posts.
Participating in this IdeaWave does not obligate you to participate in WaveHack Global. However, we would be very excited if you would join WaveHack Global's program as a top project grant partner. See you at the kickoff event to be held at Shibuya Centrum on Sat, April 13th. Entry here→
What is WaveHack Global🌎
WaveHack Global is an ongoing grant program that runs from April until the end of August. Participants will be able to continually earn grants by optimizing and updating their products every 14 days for each theme requested by grant partners. *The above partners are community partners. Grant partners plan to make announcements in early April.
Grant partners are infrastructure layers including L1/L2 chains and protocols, and the goal is to distribute $500,000 in grants from over 30 projects. Participants will not only receive grants from these top projects, but will also receive direct feedback from core team members and the community.
A top global project is planning to participate as a grant partner, so please wait a little longer for the announcement. Teams that receive high ratings in each theme of each WaveHack Global grant partner will be able to present at DEMODAY, which will be held concurrently with the large-scale summer Crypto conferences IVS Crypto, EDCON, and WebX. *Free invitation, transportation expenses provided
Also, everyone who registers for WaveHack Global will receive discounted tickets to these conferences. Enter here →
What is this?🤔
このWaveHackは4/13(土)から開催されるAKINDO主催のGrant(助成金)プログラム「WaveHack Global」に向けた、開発者でも開発者じゃない方でもどなたでも参加できるアイデア版WaveHackです。*WaveHackおよびWaveHack Globalはハッカソンではありません。成果物に応じて継続的にGrantを獲得できるWeb3のベーシックインカムプログラムです。
*1st Waveの提出が30を超えたら2nd Waveが開催されます。
Theme of each wave🌊
1st Wave 🌊
2nd Wave 🌊🌊
3rd Wave 🌊🌊🌊
*Github Repo、仕様、ロゴ、モック、デザインなど、1st Waveで提出したアイデアの進捗がわかるもの
・ハッシュタグ #WaveHack と共にテーマへの回答を投稿してください
・必ず投稿内に #WaveHack とこのページのURLを追記してください
How to Submit📲
What is Goal🏁
・WaveHack Globalを通して開発していくプロダクトアイデアを考える
*WaveHack Globalは既存プロダクトの提出もOKでです
・WaveHack Globalで共にチャレンジする仲間を見つける
・WaveHack GlobalでGrantを拠出してほしいプロジェクトを呼ぶ
もちろんこのIdeaWaveに参加したからといって、WaveHack Globalへの参加が必須というわけではありませんが、もしよろしければトッププロジェクトのGrantパートナー参画が決まっているWaveHack Globalのプログラムにもどうぞご参加ください。4/13(土)渋谷Centrumで開催するキックオフイベントにてお待ちしています。エントリーはこちら→
What is WaveHack Global🌎
WaveHack Globalは4月から8月末まで開催される継続的なGrantプログラムです。参加者は14日ごとに自身の新規、または開発中のプロダクトをGrantパートナーが求める各テーマに最適化してアップデートしていくことで、継続的に助成金を獲得することができます。*上記パートナーはコミュニティパートナーです。Grantパートナーは4月上旬のアナウンスを予定しています。
グローバルのTopプロジェクトがGrantパートナーとして参画を予定していますので、アナウンスまでもう少しお待ちください。WaveHack Globalの各Grantパートナーのテーマごとで高評価を得たチームは夏の大規模CryptoカンファレンスであるIVS Crypto、EDCON、WebXと同時開催するDEMODAYでプレゼンテーションを行うことができます。*無償招待、交通費支給
またWaveHack Globalにエントリーした方はもれなくそれらカンファレンスのディスカウントチケットを手に入れることができます。エントリーはこちら4/13(土)にキックオフイベントを開催→
Distribution Network
- #Idea
- #inspire