

  • #フィナンシェ
  • #Aptos
  • #MetaMe
  • #Manta Network
  • #IVS Crypto
  • #IVS
  • #AI
  • #game
  • #Social
IVS Crypto 2024
IVS Crypto 2024

Pool Prize

15,000 USDC

Product deadline

2024-06-23 15:00


2024-06-09 07:59

Winners Announce

2024-07-05 09:30


⚠️Please be sure to indicate in your comments which Track you are submitting the product for.

FiNANCiE Prize


MetaMe Prize

Manta Network Prize

Connect with 15,000 Innovators🤝

​IVS Crypto3年目にして、web3版ローンチパッド”IVS Crypto THE DEMODAY”がついに開催。


​IVS Crypto THE DEMODAYはweb3ビルダーのためのデモピッチイベントです。あなたがこれまでビルドしてきたプロダクトをIVS/IVS Cryptoに集まるグローバルプロジェクト、起業家、投資家、経営者、大企業など15,000名ものイノベーターたちの前でデモしてください。

​本家ローンチパッドを超えるビルダーとプロダクトを募集します。このTHE DEMODAYはハッカソンではありませんので、ローンチ済みのプロダクト提出もOKです。IVS/IVS Crypto最大規模となるホール会場でデモを行ない、15,000名のオーディエンスと繋がりたいビルダーはどなたでもエントリーできます。


​🛠 Main Theme



​💰Total Prize



​🚩フィナンシェ Prize :$6,000


​🌐Aptos Prize:$2,500


​🌏MetaMe Prize: $3,000


​🔱Manta Network Prize:$3,000


and more+


Aptos WaveHack: https://app.akindo.io/wave-hacks/Z47L4rwQmI774vRpr

MetaMe WaveHack: https://app.akindo.io/communities/kzOxxEjdRs9DBovP

MantaNetwork: https://app.akindo.io/communities/7mznnjzvvCweWE7x

​🤔Why you join this THE DEMODAY?

​🎟エントリー者は漏れなくIVS/IVS Cryptoチケットを20%ディスカウントで取得できます(エントリーはこちら)

​💰エントリー者は漏れなくEntry Grantとして約$50のステーブルコインを獲得できます *エントリー数によって金額は変わります



​🤝IVS/IVS Crypto全参加者へTHE DEMOAYに提出されたプロダクトリストを共有します

​🚅ファイナリストはIVS/IVS Cryptoへ無料招待、チームあたり上限$500の交通費を支給します





Learn the Move Language: https://aptos.dev/move/move-on-aptos/

日本語: https://aptos-operating-handbook-public-docusaurus.vercel.app/tutorials/your-first-nft

APTOS LEARN: https://learn.aptoslabs.com/

Github: https://github.com/aptos-foundation

MoveSpider https://movespiders.com/


MetaMeについて https://lp.metame.ne.jp/

オンライン勉強会 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw7rCuBYkjc

MetaMe サンプルプロジェクトはこちら:サンプルプロジェクトを取得

Unreal Engineプラグイン(ドコモ開発)を導入したUEアプリ・Webアプリのサンプルプロジェクト。その導入と利用マニュアル

​🔱Manta Network

MANTA NETWORK DOCS: https://docs.manta.network/docs/zkShuffle/Deploy/Overview

オンライン勉強会: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF4LKzmbxQ4


​IVS/IVS Crypto会場内: 京都パルスプラザ 3-4F 稲盛ホール

​IVS/IVS Cryptoにおける最大規模のホール会場がDEMODAYの舞台として用意されています。


​Building Time🛠:6/14(Fri)00:00〜6/23(Sun)23:59

​Submission Deadline⏰:6/24(Mon)00:00

​Finalist Announce🔊:6/25(Tue)18:00

DEMODAY🚀: 7/5(Fri)15:30-18:30

​AFTER PARTY🥂: 7/5(Fri)20:00-22:00

エントリーした方をもれなく無料ご招待 https://lu.ma/ivs-party


​1.開発中のプロダクトも評価対象となります。各Track Sponsorsが求めるテーマにプロダクトを最適化して提出してください。



​4.Japan ​Sponsorsから4チーム、各Track Sponsorから2チーム、合計10チームがファイナリストとして選出されます。


6.Aptos、MetaMe、Manta NetworkはWaveHackも開催中です。THE DEMODAYへWaveHackに提出中のプロダクトの提出も可能ですし、THE DEMODAY提出プロダクトはWaveHackにも提出して助成金を別途獲得することもできます。

Aptos WaveHack is here

MetaMe WaveHack is here

Manta WaveHack is here

🧑🏻‍💻Judges, Speakers


📝Judging Criteria







​4.Usability (UI/UX)


​5.WOW factor


6.Theme Contribute


👀What is IVS Crypto?


​2023年のIVS Cryptoは、「What’s your new adventure?」をテーマに、10,500名以上の参加者、300名以上の登壇者、150個以上のサイドイベントを通じて、日本最大級のクリプトイベントとして京都全体で多角的な体験を提供しました。

2024年は「IVS CRYPTO 2024 KYOTO with Japan Blockchain Week Summit」として、テーマ「Cross the Boundaries」のもと、IVS Crypto 2024 KYOTOでは、ブロックチェーン技術の進化と応用に焦点を当て、ゲーム、エンターテイメント、AIなどを通じてWeb3.0の未来を探求し、国内外の業界リーダーが最新の洞察を共有します。

さらに、Japan Blockchain Week 2024のメインイベントとして多くの関連イベントが日本全国で開催され、総動員数は50,000名(メインイベントは15,000名)を超える見込みです。


​🛠 Main Theme

Consumer Killer App

​💰Total Prize


There are currently four theme prizes available. Please submit a product that matches the theme of your interest from this page by the deadline. When submitting, please specify which theme the product is for.

​🚩Financier Prize: $6,000

There are no restrictions as long as it is a consumer product such as AI, social, or games.

​🌐Aptos Prize: TBD

A product optimized for the Aptos blockchain. Please submit a product that has been deployed to Aptos.

​🌏MetaMe Prize: $3,000

Submit a product that will greatly increase the community enthusiasm and communication volume of MetaMe, a metaverse platform provided by Docomo.

​🔱Manta Network Prize: $3,000

Build an AI or game-based product on the Manta network.

and more+

Click here for various WaveHacks that can be submitted at the same time. Please refer to the products that have been evaluated.

Aptos WaveHack: https://app.akindo.io/wave-hacks/Z47L4rwQmI774vRpr

MetaMe WaveHack: https://app.akindo.io/communities/kzOxxEjdRs9DBovP

MantaNetwork: https://app.akindo.io/communities/7mznnjzvvCweWE7x

​🤔Why do you join this THE DEMODAY?

​🎟All entrants will receive a 20% discount on IVS/IVS Crypto tickets (enter here)

​💰All entrants will receive an Entry Grant worth approximately $50 in stable coins *Amount varies depending on the number of entries

​🥂Entrants will be invited to the after party at Ace Hotel Kyoto

🛠You can submit products that are still in development

​🚅Finalists will be invited to IVS/IVS Crypto for free, and travel expenses will be covered up to $500 per team

🏗You can receive double prize money by also submitting to Aptos, MantaNetwork, and MetaMe WaveHack

​For more information on these benefits, please check the information after entry.



Learn the Move Language: https://aptos.dev/move/move-on-aptos/

APTOS LEARN: https://learn.aptoslabs.com/

Github: https://github.com/aptos-foundation

MoveSpider https://movespiders.com/


About MetaMe https://lp.metame.ne.jp/

Online study session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iw7rCuBYkjc

MetaMe sample project here: Get sample project

Sample project of UE app and web app that introduces Unreal Engine plugin (developed by Docomo). Introduction and usage manual

🔱Manta Network

MANTA NETWORK DOCS: https://docs.manta.network/docs/zkShuffle/Deploy/Overview

Online study session: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xF4LKzmbxQ4


Building Time🛠: 6/14(Fri)00:00-6/23(Sun)23:59

Submission Deadline⏰: 6/24(Mon)00:00

Finalist Announce🔊: 6/25(Tue)18:00

DEMODAY🚀: 7/5(Fri)15:30-18:30

AFTER PARTY🥂: 7/5(Fri)20:00-22:00

Free of charge for all those who enter this THE DEMODAY https://lu.ma/ivs-party


1. Products under development will also be evaluated. Please optimize your product to fit the theme required by each Track Sponsor and submit it.

2. Existing products can also be submitted, but progress during the Build period will be evaluated.

3. Please include a Github commit history showing progress during the Build period.

4. 4 teams from Japan Sponsors and 2 teams from each Track Sponsor, a total of 10 teams will be selected as finalists.

5. The same team or individual can submit multiple products.

6. Aptos, MetaMe, and Manta Network are also holding WaveHack. You can submit products currently being submitted to WaveHack to this THE DEMODAY, and you can also submit the product submitted to this THE DEMODAY to WaveHack to receive a separate grant.

Aptos WaveHack is here

MetaMe WaveHack is here

Manta WaveHack is here

🧑🏻‍💻Judges, Speakers

​The best judges, including Japan's leading web3 executives, KOLs, VCs, communities, engineers, and core members of global projects, including Kunimitsu of GumiCrypto/FiNANCiE, will provide feedback on your product.

📝Judging Criteria


​What is the complexity of the problem you are addressing, or your approach to solving it?


Are you addressing a new or unsolved problem, or creating a unique and creative solution to an existing problem?


How complete is the project and how functional is it? Is it usable by the intended users?

​4.Usability (UI/UX)

Is the project easy to use? Has an effort been made to eliminate friction with users?

​5.WOW factor

Does it offer a new perspective that could not be brought to previous products?

6.Theme Contribute

Have you ever contributed to WaveHack, the theme sponsor?

👀What is IVS Crypto?


IVS Crypto 2024 KYOTO, themed “Cross the Boundaries,” follows the success of its 2023 edition, which was Japan’s largest crypto event. This year, it focuses on blockchain technology and Web 3.0 through gaming, entertainment, and AI. Held at the ancient capitial of Japan, Kyoto, the event promises to transcend the “intangible barrier” between Web 3.0 and real life.

Together with the Japan Blockchain Week Summit, IVS Crypto 2024 KYOTO will be the main event of Japan Blockchain Week, featuring an extensive program with numerous Web 3.0 and blockchain pioneers, and is expected to draw over 50,000 participants nationwide.

Submitted products (0)