Back Slash

Back Slash

Back Slash is a Slash Extension that enables referral programs.
Back Slash
Back Slash

What it does

Back Slash is a Slash Extension that enables referral programs for businesses that sell products using SlashPayment.

Referral programs can accelerate sales.

Back SlashはSlashPaymentを使用して商品を販売する事業者に対し、リファラルプログラムを実現するSlash Extensionです。


The problem it solves

Referral programs are common for web2 businesses.

It is necessary for web3 payments to have the same functionality as web2, and BackSlash is an extension of Slash that enables referral programs for web3 payments.

The use of the referral program will help promote business sales, as well as promote Slash adoption and commission rewards.




Challenges I ran into

The development schedule was difficult to coordinate due to a combination of Slash v2 updates and obstacles.

Deployment to Astar was a bit of a challenge since it was the first time for us to deploy to Astar.

Slash v2のアップデートや障害が重なり、開発スケジュールの調整が難しかった。


Technologies I used

Astar Network, Slash Extension, Solidity, Next.js, Vercel

How we built it

Slash Extension contract was created and deployed to Astar Network.

The front end and back end were created in NextJS and deployed to Vercel.

Slash Extensionコントラクトを作成し、Astar Networkにデプロイしました。


What we learned

Learned how to create a Slash Extension and how to deploy it to the Astar Network.

Slash Extensionの作成方法やAstar Networkへのデプロイ方法を学んだ。

What's next for

Stabilize BackSlash and make it generally available.
