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Genealogy Tree

Genealogy Tree

About Projects

Genealogy tree is a dapp that helps to organize family history and relationship, it features family tree building editor, family record integration and collaborative capabilities.

Problem statement

Currently, most of the family (genealogy) tree is manually recorded in a book, below is an image of a family book record that is more than 100 years old!. It is prone of getting damaged due to natural disaster, accident, or pest infestation. In addition, this information is not easily accessible by anyone, as the family member has to go physically to the clan house (a place that store and manage all these record) to view it.

in recent years, they start to transition the record to store them in PC, so they are able to preserve the record and print them easily.

Below is an image of the new family book, at the bottom right (the right most column) indicates the generation number, and it has up to 28th generation! , an average timespan of each generation is about 30 years, 30 * 28 = 840 years! It is amazing that this book contains information of family members recorded for almost 840 years!

In addition, some names on the book has been modified by pasting paper with new name on it as shown in the image below

Adoption to web 3.0

Genealogy tree is inspired from this issue, and it is designed to solve this problem using blockchain technology, it provides feature such as good data integrity, easy accessibility, being transparent and tracebility

More information about genealogy tree concept


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