

count to match with the fibonacci sequence and mint a NFT!

CountFI dapp url

Repository of the dapp

Deployed module address on APTOS testnet



6th wave

> the screenshot of the current state of the dapp

> implemented using COUNT token to perform action

> implemented associating NFT collection with mathematical properties in contract

> implemented display of what is next NFT to mint

sample use cases of constraining NFT with mathematical properties

> linear - sequence of images (example, manga, animation, or sequence of images generated using AI with hash, etc)

> prime number - limited set of sequence of images (manga,frame by frame of movie etc)

> fibonacci - very exclusive and limited number of NFT that can be minted (example used to show evolution of monster, a limited collection, etc)

Next wave - 7th wave

> add support in UI to allow configuration of NFT collection with mathematical properties

> continue implementation of COUNT tokenomics

> improve the revealing of NFT UI

> research more on generative image generation


5th wave

> the screenshot of the current state of the dapp

> implemented landing page for countFI

> implemented support for collection

> added 2 new mathematical properties to mint NFT - prime number and linear

> added animation effect

> improve display of ANS when receiving real time event

Next wave - 6th wave

> implement tokenomics of CountFI

+ each action costs a COUNT coin

> explore different type of art pixel generation generated using the count hash

> add more mathematical sequence type

4th wave

> screenshot of the current state of the dapp

> implemented integration of pontem and petra wallet

> implemented run and view move function

> implemented NFT minting when the count reach the fibonacci value

> implemented APTOS fungible coin - COUNT that will be used for this game tokenomics

> implemented indexer from APTOS, to allow real time event broadcasting to user

> implemented support for Aptos Name Service

> implemented testing of the move code in blockchain

Next wave - 5th wave

> implement collection of count, to allow different types of mathematical properties to be introduced, example exponential, linear, etc

> implement tokenomics of CountFI

+ each action costs a COUNT coin

> Create the pixel art generator for the NFT