What is WaveHack?

WaveHack is
Grant Platform
  • For Builders
  • For Projects

Build your products, keep earning grants

WaveHack is a basic income for builders. Just by building your products using your favorite technology, you can continue to receive subsidies, just like a basic income. Build your ideas with the support of the best and top projects.

Problems to be solved

  • Incentives for build

    Feedback from our core team, community connections, and ongoing grants are what keep you building.
  • On-chain proof

    The reputation of submitted products is verified on-chain. The reputation you get through building is also your asset.
  • Instant Grant distribution

    Unlike previous hackathons and grant programs, the grant will be distributed to your wallet immediately after the each wave ends.

How does it work?

  1. 1.find your favorite theme

    Find the best opportunity to become a real hacker. difficulties make you stronger
  2. 2.Improve your product to fit the theme

    No need to build from scratch. Submit an update of an existing product optimized for the theme. Of course, build from scratch are also acceptable.
  3. 3.Submit product to the WaveHack

    Submit your updated products to a theme that excites you. The impact of the update will be evaluated.
  4. 4.Get grants based on the number of votes

    Submitted updates are voted on by the core team and community for feedback. Please refer to the feedback and challenge the next wave.
  5. 5.Submit more updates in the next Wave

    The more votes you get, the more grants you can get. Update your product, improve it, and submit it to the next wave.
Keep updating your product
and keep earning Grant!